RS 00301.101 Insured Status — Overview

Insured status is the earnings requirement a number holder (NH) must meet in order to establish entitlement to any type of benefit or a period of disability based on their earnings record (e.g., retirement, disability or survivor’s insurance benefits). To meet insured status, the NH must have the required number of earnings credits, called “quarters of coverage” (QCs), on their earnings record. For certain benefits, the QCs must be earned within a specific time frame. There are several different insured status tests depending upon the type of benefit being sought. The table in RS 00301.101B of this section summarizes the various insured status tests.

NOTE: In addition, if the worker is an alien whose Social Security Number (SSN) was first assigned on or after January 1, 2004, they must meet additional requirements under Section 211 of the Social Security Protection Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-203) in order to be fully or currently insured and to establish entitlement based on their earnings. See RS 00301.102 for a full discussion of these requirements.

An alien worker whose SSN was assigned before January 1, 2004 is exempt from the requirements of section 211 of the Social Security Protection Act, even if the SSN was not “work authorized.”

2. Quarters of Coverage

The following table shows where to find more information about QCs:
Topic Reference
When a calendar quarter can be a QC for years after 1977 RS 00301.210 and RS 00301.250
QCs based in self-employment income RS 00301.220
When a quarter can be a QC for years before 1978 RS 00301.301
Assignment of QCs: flexible assignment of QCs after 1977 RS 00301.230
When a calendar quarter cannot be a QC RS 00301.240

NOTE: Subject to the rules in RS 00301.230 and RS 00301.240, a QC for a year after 1977 may be assigned to a calendar quarter in that year that is most advantageous to the NH for the purposes of determining insured status.