If a galaxy has some stars in ordered orbits

Todd Thompson
Department of Astronomy
The Ohio State University Structure of galaxies

Key Ideas

Disk & Spheroid Structure

Population I Stars Young, metal-rich disk & Open Cluster stars Ordered, nearly circular orbits in the disk

Population II Stars Old, metal-poor spheroid & Globular Cluster stars Disordered, elliptical orbits in all directions

Central Supermassive Black Holes

What are Galaxies?

A Galaxy is a large assembly of stars, gas, and dust held together by gravity.

For reference, this is comparable to the total number of OREO tm cookies baked since 1912; 362 Billion and counting. Kind of gives new meaning to the phrase "astronomical numbers".

Andromeda (M31)

Andromeda gives us an approximate outside view of our own Galaxy.

Disk & Spheroid

Spiral galaxies have a disk/spheroid structure: Disk: Extended, thin disk of stars, gas, & dust Crossed by spiral arms of blue stars & dust.

Spheroid: Thick, centrally concentrated spheroid of stars Little or no gas or dust

Walter Baade (c. 1944)

Walter Baade was a German-American astronomer working at the Mt. Wilson Observatory in the 1940s and 50s. During WWII, as a German immigrant, he was prohibited from doing any war work, so he spent his time using the 100-inch Telescope at Mt. Wilson while the Los Angeles area was blacked out.

Stellar Ages (Revisited)

"Old" = 10 Gyr or more.

Stellar Populations

Baade divided stars into two "Populations":

Population I: Disk and Open Cluster stars

Population II: Spheroid and Globular Cluster stars

Distinguished by: Location, Age, & Chemical Composition

Population I

Location: The Disk & in Open Clusters

Age: Mix of young and old stars

Environment: Often very gas rich, especially for the young stars.

Population II

Location: The Spheroid & in Globular Clusters

Ages: Oldest stars, >10 Gyr

Environment: Gas poor, no star formation

Stellar Orbits

The two stellar populations are also distinguished by how they orbit around the centers of their galaxies:

Contrast & Compare

Chemical Evolution

Higher Metal Content in Later Generations.

Clues to Galaxy Formation?

Hearts of Darkness

Deep in the centers of the Milky Way and Andromeda we find supermassive black holes with masses of many millions of solar masses!

Supermassive Black Holes