General Information

All adult program times align with the ISU Adult categories . Vocal music is permitted in all events . If vocal music is chosen, the piece(s) must contain lyrics in good taste and appropriate for competition.

All Falls on elements and/or in isolation will be called.

Refer to the Competitions Rule and Scoring of Skate Canada Competitions Rule for a full list of deductions pertaining to timing, Interruptions , illegal elements, costumes and props, etc.

Maximum element requirements have been established for all Adult free skating, free dance and pairs Events . Skaters are expected to skate to their ability and enter the appropriate Category based on the competition program requirements.

The following age categories apply to Singles Free Skating and Artistic Events :

Young Adult 18 to 27 years
Class I 28 to 37 years
Class II 38 to 47 years
Class III 48 to 57 years
Class IV 56 to 67 years
Class V 68 years and older

Note that successive age categories may be combined if numbers warrant. Skaters must be notified prior to the competition if age categories are being combined.

Free Skating

Waltz Jump is permitted as a jump element in Intro Open and Bronze Free Skating only.

Adult Intro Open Free Skating

A Free Skating Program to music a maximum of one minute forty seconds