Letter of Recommendation for Nursing School Template

Create a Letter of Recommendation for Nursing School to highlight your skills, character, and suitability for a nursing program.


Updated June 5, 2024
Written by Raina Chou | Reviewed by Brooke Davis

A Letter of Recommendation for Nursing School is a document that highlights a nursing school applicant’s academic performance, work experience, character, and suitability for a nursing program. It is typically written by someone who knows the applicant well, such as a teacher, healthcare professional, or employer.

Whether the applicant is applying to a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program or a current nursing student interested in a graduate program, these letters are essential to the application process. They provide an admissions committee with concrete evidence of applicants’ skills and potential, helping them stand out among competitors.

Why It’s Important

Recommendation letters for your nursing program applications are important for several reasons:

Who to Request

Choose individuals who know you well and can provide specific examples of your strengths and qualifications. Ensure they have a positive relationship with you and can articulate your attributes effectively.

Common recommendation letter writers for nursing school applications include:

Considerations for Different Situations

How to Request

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you request your nursing school letter of recommendation:

  1. Build Strong Relationships: Take advantage of opportunities to connect with potential recommenders. Attend office hours, participate in nursing-related clubs, organizations, conferences, and workshops, and volunteer in healthcare settings to establish meaningful connections.
  2. Communicate Your Accomplishments: Create a portfolio of your work, including academic transcripts, certificates, research papers, and other documents that showcase your achievements. Articulate your accomplishments clearly and confidently and highlight how they align with the program’s goals.
  3. Request in Person: Whenever possible, request the recommendation in person. This allows for a more personal and direct interaction, increasing the likelihood of a positive response.
  4. Give Adequate Notice: Request the letter well in advance, ideally 4-6 weeks before the application deadline. This gives your recommenders ample time to craft a thoughtful and detailed letter.
  5. Provide Necessary Materials: Share relevant materials with your recommender, such as your resume, a description of the program you are applying to, and any specific instructions or requirements provided by the program.
  6. Be Specific in Your Request: Politely ask your recommender to highlight specific examples of your skills and experiences that are relevant to the program. This adds depth and personalization to the recommendation.
  7. Follow Up Appropriately: After your recommender agrees to write the letter, follow up with an email summarizing the key points discussed and providing any additional information they might need. Once the letter is submitted, send a thank-you note to express your gratitude and keep your recommender updated on your progress.

How to Write

Writing a letter of recommendation for nursing school involves several key steps to ensure it effectively supports the applicant’s candidacy.

Step 1: Introduction

Begin with a formal greeting. If you know the recipient’s name, address them directly; otherwise, “To whom it may concern” or “Dear Admissions Committee” are appropriate.

Introduce yourself, stating your name, position, and the context in which you know the applicant. Mention how long you have known the candidate and the capacity in which you have worked together. This establishes the credibility of your perspective and the depth of your relationship with the applicant.

Step 2: Body Paragraphs

In the body paragraphs, describe the applicant’s strengths, skills, and qualifications. Highlight the applicant’s specific skills and strengths that are relevant to the nursing field. Use concrete examples and anecdotes to illustrate their clinical professionalism and excellence. Focus on attributes that may not be apparent from their resume.

In addition, list personality attributes and behavior traits relevant to nursing programs. Describe the applicant’s personal attributes and behavior traits that make them a valuable team member. Share stories that highlight their compassion, innovation, and ability to work collaboratively.

Below are some important qualities to highlight according to nursing schools and research:

Step 3: Conclusion

Conclude the letter with a strong statement of recommendation. Restate your respect for the candidate’s abilities and affirm your endorsement of their application to the nursing program. Highlight your positive experiences working with them and assert that they would be an asset to the program.

Letter of Recommendation for Nursing School: Examples

Example 1: Returning to School After Working

Dear Admissions Committee,

It is with great enthusiasm that I recommend Sarah Thompson for admission to your nursing program. Having worked with Sarah for the past seven years, I have had the privilege of witnessing her exceptional dedication, communication skills, and compassion, which I believe make her an ideal candidate for your program.

Sarah’s commitment to learning is evident in her continuous pursuit of education. Despite her busy schedule, she completed numerous continuing education units (CEUs) and earned certifications in Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) and Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS). Recently, Sarah took the initiative to develop a training module for new EMTs, focusing on best practices in emergency care. The results have been highly praised by both new and experienced staff.

Her effective communication skills are outstanding, even in high-pressure situations. One notable instance was during a particularly chaotic shift when we received multiple trauma patients simultaneously. Sarah took charge, triaged the patients with precision, and coordinated seamlessly with other staff to ensure everyone received timely care. Her quick thinking and clear communication were instrumental in stabilizing all the patients.

Sarah’s compassion and empathy towards patients set her apart. She goes out of her way to ensure that patients and their families feel comfortable and understood during their most vulnerable moments. I recall a situation where Sarah spent extra time with a distraught family, explaining the patient’s condition and the treatment plan in a reassuring and informative way. Her ability to connect with patients on a personal level is a testament to her exceptional character.

In conclusion, Sarah Thompson is a remarkable EMT with a proven track record of excellence in clinical practice, a strong commitment to continuous learning, and a deep sense of compassion for her patients. She has my highest recommendation for your nursing program. I am confident that she will excel and be a valuable asset to your institution.

Please feel free to reach out with any additional questions. I would be happy to discuss further Sarah’s qualifications and her exceptional performance at St. Mary’s Hospital.

Example 2: High School Student Applying to Undergraduate Nursing Program

I am pleased to recommend Emily Johnson for admission to your Bachelor of Science in Nursing program. Having had the pleasure of teaching Emily in Advanced Biology and Human Anatomy at Greenfield High School over the past two years, I have witnessed Emily’s remarkable dedication to her studies and an unwavering commitment to pursuing a career in nursing.

Emily’s enthusiasm to succeed is truly inspiring. She consistently ranks at the top of her class, and her academic performance in my courses has been nothing short of outstanding. Emily’s senior project, which focused on the impact of nutrition on adolescent health, showcased her ability to conduct thorough research, think critically, and present her findings with clarity and confidence. Her work was selected for presentation at the district science fair, where she received high commendations from the judges.

Her compassion and empathy for others are evident in her volunteer work. Emily organized a visit to a local senior care facility where she led her peers in providing companionship and basic health education to the residents. Her interactions with the seniors were heartfelt and sincere, reflecting her genuine desire to make a positive impact on others’ lives. This initiative not only benefited the residents but also fostered a sense of community and care among her classmates.

Emily’s leadership and communication skills are exemplary. She is the captain of the school’s debate team and an active member of the Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) club. During a mock emergency drill conducted by our school’s health sciences department, Emily took the lead in coordinating the response team, demonstrating excellent leadership and critical thinking skills. Her quick decision-making and effective communication ensured that all participants followed the protocol efficiently.

In conclusion, Emily Johnson is a highly motivated and capable individual with a deep commitment to the field of nursing. Her academic excellence, compassionate nature, and leadership abilities make her an outstanding candidate for your BSN program. I have no doubt that she will make significant contributions to your program and thrive in her future career as a nurse.

Please feel free to contact me if you need any additional information. I would be happy to further discuss Emily’s qualifications and her potential to succeed in your program.

Dr. Robert Harrison

Letter of Recommendation for Nursing School Sample

Copy the free sample or download a customizable Nursing School Letter of Recommendation template below.

___________________ [Recommender’s name]
___________________ [Recommender’s institution]
______________________________________ [Recommender’s address]
___________________ [Recommender’s phone or email]

___________________ [Recipient’s name]
___________________ [Recipient’s institution]
______________________________________ [Recipient’s address]
___________________ [Recipient’s phone or email]

Dear ________________________ [Recipient’s name],

I am writing to enthusiastically recommend ___________________ [Applicant’s name] for admission to ___________________ [Program applied for] at ___________________ [Institution’s name]. Having had the pleasure of engaging with ___________________ [Applicant’s name] as their ___________________ [Relation to applicant] for ______ [Time] at ___________________ [Institution’s name], I have been impressed by their commitment to achieving and maintaining a high standard in all endeavors. This positions me well to attest to their suitability for this application.

During their tenure in ___________________ [Applicant’s field of study/interest], ___________________ [Applicant’s name] has consistently demonstrated ___________________ [Applicant’s attribute/skill]. A notable achievement was their commitment in _____________________________________ [Description of achievement]. As a result, _____________________________________ [Result of achievement].

Moreover, ___________________ [Applicant’s name] has shown remarkable ___________________ [Applicant’s attribute/skill] through their involvement in _______________________________ [Description of achievement]. Because of this, ___________________________ [Result of achievement].

Beyond ___________________ [Applicant’s name]’s accomplishments in ___________________ [Applicant’s field of study/interest], they have made significant contributions to ______________________________________ [Description of achievement], showcasing their ___________________ [Applicant’s attribute/skill]. Through these contributions, _____________________________________ [Result of achievement].

To conclude, I am confident in recommending ___________________ [Applicant’s name] for the ___________________ [Program applied for]. I have no doubt that they will continue to excel and go on to make significant contributions in the field of healthcare.

I am happy to provide any additional information or discuss ___________________ [Applicant’s name]’s journey further. I can be reached at ___________________ [Recommender’s phone or email].

___________________ [Recommender’s name]
___________________ [Recommender’s department or title]